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11th International Tribology Conference BULTRIB'15, 11-13 September 2015, Sozopol, Bulgaria


The deadlines for Abstract and Full Paper Submission for the 11th International Conference on Tribology BULTRIB'15 have been newly changed in connection with the preparation of the simultaneous conferences BULTRIB’15 and the 70 Year Jubilee Festivity of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University, Sofia. Registration and Abstract Submission for BULTRIB’15 should be done through the website:

The Conference BULTRIB’15 is organized by the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University in the period 11 - 13 September 2015 in the Resort House of the Technical University in Sozopol, a picturesque town on the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria.
For further information please visit also the website of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists: The 5th Call for BULTRIB'15 and the Template for manuscripts are available.

Abstract deadline 31st May 2015; Full paper deadline 30th June 2015.


Tribology Center, Technical University - Sofia 1756
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva: Mob: +359 893341455; e-mail:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova: Mob: +359 877438334; e-mail:



14th International Tribology Conference SERBIATRIB'15, 13-15 May 2015, Belgrade

14th International Tribology Conference SERBIATRIB 2015: 13 - 15 May 2015 in the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Belgrade University – Serbia:

The deadline for Papers is March 31st, 2015.





1st International Conference on Tribology – TURKEYTRIB '15, 7-9 October 2015, Istanbul



The 1st International Conference on Tribology – TURKEYTRIB '15 will be held in Istanbul (Turkey), at the Yildiz Technical University, from 7 to 9 October 2015.

Deadline for abstracts: 8th May 2015.
Please find more info on the Conference website:






The 2014 Tribology Gold Medal


In recognition of his outstanding contribution to tribology in particular for his services to industrial tribology, biotribology and education


Gwidon Stachowiak graduated in 1972 from Poznan University of Technology with a Masters degree in Science and Engineering which was followed by a PhD. In 1981 he obtained a DIC and his second PhD from Imperial College London.

In 1984 Professor Stachowiak established the first Tribology Laboratory in Western Australia. His research work focused on the tribological characteristics of advanced structural ceramics, of particular value to Australia’s mining and processing industries.

In the field of bio-tribology Professor Stachowiak and his team found a direct link between the shape of wear particles in synovial joints and severity of osteoarthritis. This led to the development of new computer-based image processing and classification methods for trabecular bone textures in X-ray images of the knee joints. Novel image processing methods developed under Professor Stachowiak’s leadership allow the prediction of the onset of osteoarthritis from x-ray images of the joints.

Professor Stachowiak has received many awards and recognitions including the 75th Anniversary Research Award, University of Western Australia (1991), the George Julius Medal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia (1992 and 1996) and Honorary Doctorate from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon (2011).




New issue of Tribological Journal BULTRIB Vol. IV, 2014 available.

The Journal includes Proceedings of the International Conference BULTRIB'13, 24-26 October 2013, Technical University, Sofia. • Download •



2013 Tribology Gold Medal Winner Announced

The World’s Highest Award in Tribology, the Science of Friction and Wear, the Tribology Gold Medal for 2013, has been conferred on Professor Jacob Israelachvili FRS FAA NAE NAS in recognition of his outstanding contribution to tribology, in particular for his understanding of its molecular origins and tribological processes.
After school in Brighton (England) Professor Israelachvili went to Cambridge where he obtained 1st class honours degrees and thereafter his PhD. Over the next decades he was active at the University of Canberra and Santa Barbara, California.
Professor Israelachvili is a world leader in the areas of measurements and understanding of surface forces and their relevance to tribology. His work includes normal and frictional forces between and including inorganic, organic and biological surfaces. He is recognised as one of the most outstanding and influential tribologist in the world.


For further information, contact:
Tribology Trust, Angel Lodge Chambers 57 London Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 6DU, Tel: 0203 213 1030, e-mail:



8th International Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB'14, 30 October - 1 November 2014,
Sinaia, Romania

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Sinaia Sinaia Sinaia
Sinaia Sinaia Sinaia

Since 1993 in Sofia, every mandate of the 3-years loop of the Balkan Tribological Association begins with organizing of the International Conference BALKANTRIB supported and carried out by the corresponding national institutions and the Balkan Tribological Association (BTA). Bulgaria (1993 and 2008), Greece (1996 and 2011) and Romania (1999 and 2014) were hosts twice, Turkey (2002), Serbia (2005) – once.

The 8th International Conference Balkantrib’14 was a sign of the 21st anniversary of the BTA and was organized in the period 30th October – 1st November 2014 in Hotel Palace - Sinaia, Romania by the Romanian Tribology Association, the Petroleum-gas University of Ploiesti and BTA.

150 participants from 15 countries took part at the event, namely: Algeria (2 delegates) , Bulgaria (with 22 delegates), the Czech Republic (4), England (3), France (2), Germany (4), Greece (12), Holland (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Romania (84), Russia (1), Serbia (1), Turkey (10) and Ukraine (2). 113 papers in 2 plenary and 18 parallel sessions were presented in three conference rooms. Technical Exhibition, the Meeting of the BTA Managing Board (Minutes), the Meeting of the Romanian Tribology Association, and the workshop of the 3rd stage of CEEPUS Project CIII-BG-0703”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology” took also place during the Conference.

Bulgaria had 3 plenary presentations: The Theory of Contact by Prof. N. Manolov, 40 years History of Tribology in Bulgaria by M. Kandeva, E. Assenova and Development of JBTA for the last 20 Years and Future Trends by Sl. Ivanov, Zh. Kalitchin, J. Ivanova, M. Boneva, N. Evtimova, E.Tosheva. 9 session papers and 2 posters were presented, among them: Self-organization and Selective Transfer in Tribology by E. Assenova, M. Kandeva, Procedure of Study of Contact Interactions of High-strength Cast Iron with Sn Microalloy by M. Kandeva, B. Ivanova, etc.

Conference trip was organized in the last day for the visit of the city of Brasov (Kronstadt), Dracula Castle in Bran (Torzburg), Poiana Brasov Resort and Moeciu Fundata Resort.

BALKANTRIB’14 was a great success in the development of the BTA. Warmth, spirit of science, excellent ambiance and friendly feelings reigned during the whole period of the Conference.

Croatia represented by the Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology was accepted as new member-country of the Balkan Tribological Association, together with the 5 old members Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The 9th Conference BALKANTRIB will be held in 2017 in Turkey.



THE “A” Coatings and ICMEN, 1-3 October 2014, Thessaloniki

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Solun Solun Solun

For the establishment an international forum, concerning coatings applications in the field of production technique, embracing the state of the art and the future trends in coatings research and development, The A Coatings Conference represents the mutual effort of four academic Institutions:
the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EEΔΜ), Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki;
the Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW), University of Hannover;
the Laboratory for Manufacturing Technology (LFT), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg;
and the Institute of Surface Engineering (IOT), RWTH Aachen University.

The International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN was established during the Hellenic Chairmanship of EUREKA 2001-2002 (, attaining in strengthening synergies between people involved in scientific research and those having to meet the rapidly increasing demands of industrial applications.

The 11th The A Coatings and the 5th ICMEN International Conferences were held on October 1-3, 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece under the general chair of Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis.

Four plenary papers, four industrial presentations and 72 session papers were presented in the two rooms of the Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA) in the University Campus of the Aristoteles University during the days of the conferences. Delegates from Bulgaria: Mara Kandeva, Georgi Mishev, Emilia Assenova, Dimitar Karastoyanov and Stefan Dishliev. Three papers were presented from Bulgaria:

Abrasive wear of chemical Nickel coatings with boron nitride nano-particles, by M. Kandeva, A. Vencl, E. Assenova, D. Karastoyanov, T. Grozdanova, presented by Emilia Assenova

Research the wear resistance of multilayer coating Ti/TiN/TiCN-ml on 1.2343 steel, by G. Mishev, V. Rupetsov, S. Dishliev, C. Pashinski, presented by Stefan Dishliev

Study on wear resistance of TiO2 sprayed coatings. Correlation between deposition parameters and wear properties by M. Kandeva, V. Blaskov, I. Stambolova, N.G. Kostova, A. Eliyas, K. Balashev, S. Vassilev in the poster session.



International Conference MATRIB 2014, MATERIALS, WEAR, RECYCLING, 26-28 June 2014 in Vela Luka

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VelaLuka VelaLuka VelaLuka
VelaLuka VelaLuka VelaLuka

The International Conference MATRIB 2014, MATERIALS, WEAR, RECYCLING, took place in the period 26-28 June 2014 in Vela Luka (Island Korcula), Croatia organized by the Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology – Croatia; the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics Slovak Academy of Sciences – Slovakia; Dublin Institute of Technology – Ireland and the Polytechnic of Varaždin - Croatia.

About 60 participants from eight countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ireland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia) with 30 oral and 40 poster presentations attended the conference. The paper Influence of additives and selective transfer on wear reduction in the lubricated contact by Mara Kandeva, Boryana Ivanova, Emilia Assenova, Aleksandar Vencl presented Emilia Assenova. During the conversations, the coleagues of the Managing Committe of the Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology expressed the wish of the Society to become members of the Balkan Tribological Association.

The last day of the Conference a very nice excursion to the island Proizd was organized.




ICQ_2014 ICQ_2014 ICQ_2014
ICQ_2014 ICQ_2014 ICQ_2014

The International Convention on Quality UASQ ICQ_2014 was held from 2nd to 5th June 2014 in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Serbia, with the motto: QUALITY FOR EUROPEAN AND WORLD INTEGRATION. The Conference was supported by the world's most important scientific and expert organizations for quality and engineering. About 100 papers were presented from 30 countries.


The Conference was attended by 180 participants. Bulgaria had the participants from the Tribology Center Sofia: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova and MSc Boriana Ivanova.


Visit to the Laboratory of Tribology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade was made related to the completion of the CEEPUS Project CIII-BG-0703 ”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology”.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova presented a paper with co-authors Prof. Dr. Vidosav Majstorovic and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva entitled “Tribology enhancement of lubricant quality and safety”, related to the topic of the bilateral Interfaculty Agreement between the Faculty of Industrial Technology – Sofia and The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Belgrade.



MaTri 14, 2nd Austrian-Indian-Symposium on Material Science and Tribology

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Wiener Wiener
Wiener Wiener

The 2nd Austrian-Indian-Symposium on Material Science and Tribology MaTri 14 was held in the period 26-29 May 2014 in Wiener Neustadt. Organizers: The Austrian Tribology Society; The Austrian Center of Competence for Tribology AC2T; Vienna University of Technology – Institute of Material Science and Technology, and Tecnopol Wiener Neustadt.

The aim of the Symposium: To address challenges where knowledge in Tribology and Material Sciences are important tools to solve industrial requirements and to bring together scientists and experts from companies. Special events were:

1. Material Science and Tribology Lab-Tour: to the AC2T laboratories (employing 160 researchers on site) in the Wiener Neustadt Technology and Research Center;

2. Young scientist recruitment day.

Participants from Austria, India, Germany, Bulgaria attended the Symposium, Bulgaria presented the paper Static and Dynamic Friction of Sphero-graphite Cast Iron with Sn Microalloy by Mara Kandeva, Boryana Ivanova, Dimitar Karastoyanov, Emilia Assenova.



19th International Colloquium Tribology, Industrial and Automotive Lubrication, 21–23 January 2014, Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany

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Esslingen14 Esslingen14 Esslingen14
Esslingen14 Esslingen14 Esslingen14

The 19th International Colloquium Tribology "Industrial and Automotive Lubrication", organized by the Technical Academy Esslingen and presided by Prof. W.-J. Bartz and Prof. F. Franek, was held from 21 to 23 January 2014 in Stuttgart / Ostfildern, Germany. It was once again the best organized, most interesting and successful conference. About 550 participants from 30 countries took the opportunity to present about 180 papers, to catch up on new developments, exchange ideas and meet colleagues. Nearly 20 companies presented their products in the accompanying exhibition.


The participants from Bulgaria were: Prof. DSc Georgi Mishev and Dr. Stefan Dishliev of the Technical University - Sofia, branch Plovdiv, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova of the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and Albena Vassileva of PRISTA Oil - Rousse.


On the second evening, the participants enjoyed the guided tour in the beautiful old town of Esslingen and the Conference Dinner in the impressive atmosphere of the Old City Hall of Esslingen.

The 20th International Colloquium Tribology will take place from 12 to 14 January 2016.



Workshop on "New Methods of Numerical Simulation and Measurement in Tribology", 6-13 October 2013, Sandanski, Bulgaria

International Workshop on "New Methods of Numerical Simulation and Measurement in Tribology" will be held in Sandanski, Bulgaria, 6th - 13th of October 2013.

The Workshop is organized by the Berlin University of Technology and the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the company "xTribo GmbH".

If you are interested in participation, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Valentin Popov
TU Berlin, Institut für Mechanik, Berlin, GERMANY
Tel: +49 (0)30/314-21480, Email:



International Conference on Tribology BULTRIB'13, 24-26 October 2013, Sofia

Dear colleagues,

The Society of Bulgarian Tribologists and the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University – Sofia organize the annual Tribological Conference with international participation BULTRIB 2013 in the period 24. to 26.10.2013 in the Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria.

Please find below the Invitation – 3rd Call for papers for the Conference BULTRIB 2013 and the template for preparing the manuscripts.

Please sent Participant's form including your Paper title and Authors until 15.05.2013.

In the first day of the Conference a workshop on the second stage of the CEEPUS project CIII-BG-0703-02-1314 ”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology” will be held.

We believe your presence will be deep honor and great benefit for all Bulgarian tribologists. Be welcome to Sofia.

With best regards


Mara Kandeva, Assoc. Prof. PhD,
President, Society of the Bulgarian Tribologists



World Tribology Congress 2013 (WTC V) Turin, Italy, 8th – 13th September 2013

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The fifth World Tribology Congress took place between the 8th and 13th September 2013 in the warm early autumn sunshine of Torino, Italy, at the Palaolympico Isozaki, the largest indoor stadium in Italy and originally built for the Winter Olympics in 2006.

The meeting incorporated a number of joint events with other technical conferences including meetings of: Ecotrib 2013, Viennano ‘13, STLE/ASME, a taster programme for LUBMAT and a satellite meeting of the Leeds-Lyon Symposium and explored a many aspects of tribology relating to fundamental and applied topics. It was attended by over 1300 delegates from more than 70 counties. Sessions consisted of: 6 plenary presentations, 20 keynote presentations, 850 oral papers delivered and about 200 poster papers. In all, these works were prepared by about 2800 authors. Papers were accompanied by a technical exhibition with 21 exhibitors and specialist technical visits to local companies such as Fiat, Petronas and SKF also took place.

The Congress was co-organised by the Italian Tribology Association (AIT), the University of Pisa and the Politecnico di Torino, with the Organising Committee chaired by Prof Terenziano Raparelli and the Program Committee chaired by Prof Enrico Ciulli from the Università di Pisa.

The International Tribology Council (ITC) had the official meeting in the eve of the congress. Prof H.P. Jost and Prof. Ian Sherrington chaired the meeting. After the competition between Sweden and China, the venue selected by country representatives in the pre-congress ITC “In Session” Meeting for the next World Tribology Congress in 2017 would be Beijing, China.

Prior to the start of the congress, a one minute silence was observed to express collective honour and respect of well recognised tribologists who had passed away since the last world Tribology Congress in Kyoto. This was followed by the Opening Ceremony in which a number of people involved in the organisation or support of the congress said a few words or made short presentations.

Prof Ciulli, of the University of Pisa and President of the Italian Tribology Association (AIT) and Prof Bassani began by outlining the impressive statistics for the Congress.

ITC President H. Peter Jost made a short speech to the congress assembly. He began by reminding delegates that September 2013 was the 40th Anniversary of the formation of the International Tribology Council (ITC) The council had been formed at a short meeting on the eve of the European Tribology Conference in 1973. To this day the objectives of the ITC remain unchanged and the Council has supported the growth of tribology societies all over the world. Dr Jost then made his Presidential Address which was entitled From Basics to Productivity and Employment.

Eight Tribology Gold Medal laureates attended the Congress opening, an indication of the enduring and increasing significance of this four yearly congress amongst the huge number of tribology meetings and conferences which are now .organised by the tribology community.

WTC V organisers planned a number of technical visits with tribological relevance to local companies.

Bulgaria had 4 delegates: Assoc.Prof. Emilia Assenova with oral presentation of the paper:

E. Assenova, G. Polzer, Dr. Tsermaa, M. Kandeva. Smart Coatings and Green Tribology. 5th World Tribology Congress (WTC 2013), Turin (Italy), 08-13.09.2013, Proceedings, Paper 885 (Session: Surface Tribology 20 – Coatings 7)

Assoc.Prof. Mara Kandeva, Assoc.Prof. Dimitar Karastoyanov and MSc Boriana Ivanova presented four poster presentations:

Mara Kandeva, Vladimir Blaskov , Irina Stambolova, Konstantin T. Balashev and Nina G. Kostova Influence of deposition parameters of TiO2 sprayed films on the abrasive wear resistance. Proceedings, Paper 1190.

Mara Kandeva, Dimitar Karastoyanov, Boryana Ivanova, A. Dimitrova, Yavor Sofronov, Nikolay Nikolov: Friction and wear of Ni coatings with nanosize particles of SiC. Proceedings, Paper 1241.

Mara Kandeva, Boryana Ivanova, Vyara Pozhidaeva, Dimitar Karastoyanov and Juliana Javorova Composite Coatings to Improve Durability of the Working Body of the Drill. Proceedings, Paper 1251.

Julieta Kaleicheva, Valentin Mishev, Georgi Avdeev, Zdravka Karaguiozova, Mara Kandeva, Tribological behavior of spheroidal graphite cast irons with nanoadditives. Proceedings, Paper 1269.



7thIWC TQM 2013, Belgrade


The 7th International Working Conference – Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches (7thIWC TQM 2013) was held from 3 to 7 June in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Serbia. The Conference was supported by the world's most important scientific and expert organizations for quality and engineering (CIRP, IFIP, IMEKO, IFAC, EOQ, EFQM, JUSE, AAQ, PAQ and ASQ). 104 TQM papers + 8 papers (of the 3rd special Conference Manufuture 2013 Workshop) from 37 countries (86 papers from abroad and 26 from Serbia) in Asia, Africa, North and South America and Europe were reviewed and accepted for presentation.

The Conference was attended by 384 participants, of them 92 foreigners. Bulgaria had 7 participants; from the Tribology Center Sofia Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova presented a paper with co-authors Prof. Dr. Vidosav Majstorovic and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva entitled “Tribology for Quality: Wear Prevention”, related to the topic of the bilateral Interfaculty Agreement between the Faculty of Industrial Technology – Sofia and The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Belgrade.

At the opening session of the Conference were awarded special awards for personal contribution to this conference, as well as improvement of quality in Serbia to: Prof. Albert Weckenmann, from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen - Nuremberg, to Malte Schröder, Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL, Aachen, Germany, for the best paper of young researchers, to Prof. Dr. Ljiljana Tasić, Faculty of Pharamacy, Belgrade, and to Prof. Dr. Snežana Pejćić- Tarle, Faculty of Trafic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade.

Besides the awards, the Conference was marked by several scientific-technical and organizational events, e.g. the 3rd special Conference Manufuture 2013: Industrial Technologies – SEE Regional Cooperation – Horizon 2020.



11th International Conference DEMI 2013, Banja Luka


The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka, Republic Srpska, organized the 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, DEMI 2013. The Conference was held from 30 May to 1 June 2013 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka.


The aim of the Conference was to review the current state of research in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering, information technologies and tribology, as well as the possibilities for the implementation of new technologies in production processes with the purpose to contribute to the competitiveness of domestic industry. The Conference also aimed to encourage new forms of cooperation between scientific institutions and manufacturing companies in Republic Srpska, and with foreign institutions.


Scientists, researchers and experts from the universities and the industry of Republic Srpska, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Croartia, Norway took part in the DEMI 2013 Conference presentations. Representative from Bulgaria with paper presentation was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilia Assenova with co-author Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mara Kandeva.



13th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB '13

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The 13th International Conference on Tribology – SERBIATRIB '13 was held in the period May 15-17, 2013 in Kragujevac, Serbia. SERBIATRIB is traditionally organized by the Serbian Tribology Society every two years, since 1989. The previous conferences were held in Kragujevac (1989, 1991, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2007 and 2011), Herceg Novi (1995), Kopaonik (1997), Belgrade (2001, 2003 and 2009).


The scope of SERBIATRIB '13 embraces the state of art and future trends in tribology research and application. The following two aspects were emphasized: right solutions for the tribological processes is of high importance having in view the requirement for higher productivity of machinery leading to higher loads, speeds and temperatures, and secondly, good tribology knowledge can greatly contribute to the saving of material and energy.


76 papers of authors from 18 countries (Taiwan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Poland, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Serbia) are published in the Proceedings. About 50 papers were presented orally at the Conference. Four delegates from Bulgaria attended the conference: M. Kandeva, E. Assenova, V. Pojidaeva and B. Ivanova. Three of the Bulgarian papers were presented by E. Assenova and V. Pojidaeva, and one paper was presented as poster. All papers can be downloaded from the following address SERBIATRIB – Proceedings.


Photo gallery from the Conference can be found at:



Encyclopedia Tribologia published in Russia


Prof. Kiril Nikolaevich Voynov from Sankt Peterburg and his collaborators work on International Encyclopedia "Tribology" embracing 12 volumes.

The first and second volume of the Encyclopedia issued in Russian language were presented by the author at the 11th International Conference on Tribology and Reliability, held in Sankt Petersburg in October 2011. Volumes 3, 4 and 5 were issued in the period 2012-2013. The 6th volume is in preparation.

Prof. Voynov appeals to all colleagues to collaborate for the preparation of the volumes with materials, which to be published with citation of the origin.

E-mail address:




Online Journals in Tribology

Research, teaching and innovation in the sphere of tribology need to be and are recently strongly encouraged through the explosion in tribology publishing activities. Beside the 10 printed technical journals dedicated directly to tribology, there is newly an outburst of open-access free journals in the field of tribology. The following ones invite now for publishing online tribology papers and short communications:

Tribology Online

The electronic online journal TRIBOLOGY ONLINE published by the Japanese Society of Tribologists, JAST, aims to facilitate exchange of information through rapid publication of high quality papers for the worldwide development of tribology. The scope includes all aspects of tribology and other science and engineering areas which relate to the subjects of tribology. The journal is completely electronic, and is open to the world for free access through Internet.

Tribology Online publishes Articles, Short Communications and Reviews. Article is intended to be an original report of researches and technological developments in tribology and relevant fields. Short Communication is intended to be a preliminary report of new concepts, findings, technological developments and opinions whose rapid publication will be important for a large number of readers in relevant fields. Review is intended to be review of researches and technological developments in tribology and relevant fields. The manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two referees before they are accepted for publication.

For details please see Information for Contributors and Authors' Guide for Manuscript Preparation.

No page charge is made.

Tribology Online is published by the Japanese Society of Tribologists. The copyright in papers accepted for publication becomes the property of the Japanese Society of Tribologists; all authors are asked to transfer copyright to the society prior to publication.



Tribology gold medal for 2012 goes to Israel

The World’s Highest Award in Tribology, the Science of Friction and Wear, the Tribology Gold Medal for 2012, has been conferred on Professor Jacob Klein, the Herman Mark Professor of Polymer Physics at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to tribology, in particular the tribology of molecular brushes and of hydration lubrication, which had effects throughout the scientific world.

Professor Klein studied Physics at the University of Cambridge, where he also obtained his PhD at the Cavendish Laboratory, under the guidance of Professor David Tabor FRS. In 1977 he joined the Weizmann Institute. He was appointed Professor in 1987, heading its Polymer Research Department in 1989-91, and chaired its Scientific Council during 1999-2000. In 2000 he was concomitantly appointed the Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry and Head of Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Oxford, leaving Oxford in 2007.

Professor Klein’s outstanding tribology achievements were not only in the field of molecular brushes, but especially in hydration lubrication, in which he is a world leader, and which has considerable potential applications in tissue engineering and biomedical devices.

Prof. Klein has worked extensively on the physics of polymers and interfaces, using surface force balances investigate static and dynamic force laws between interacting surfaces, especially steric, lubrication and frictional forces. He has also carried out extensive studies of surface and interfacial structure in polymeric systems using nuclear reaction analysis techniques at the Institute 3MV van de Graaff particle accelerator. His current research interests include issues of transport, wetting, surface interactions and nanotribology.



In 2012 we celebrated the 80th anniversary of Prof. DSc Nyagol Manolov

In the seventies of the 20th century the Laboratory of Tribology at the Technical University - Sofia (initially Laboratory of Contact Mechanics until 1974) was place of attraction for many young and not so young people. The Laboratory was guided (in chronological order) by two charismatic persons: Prof. Georgi Danov and Prof. Nyagol Manolov. Prof. Nyagol Manolov was the person, who orientated the Laboratory in the already discovered, but still not popular science of Tribology and transformed it to Laboratory of Tribology.

Prof. Manolov uses to be the proud father of Tribology in Bulgaria. He gained the recognition, confidence and affection of his contemporaries; he exerted great influence on their scientific thinking, and gave his energy and inspiration to one idea - the idea of the contact between science, education and civil society.

Prof. Manolov, together with Prof. D.N.Garkunov and Prof. Gerd Fleischer, are maybe the most philosophically thinking and creating tribologists. Philosophy is for Prof. Manolov the spiritual instrument in the creation of the bridges of interdisciplinarity unifying the natural, intellectual and social sciences through the model of contact.

He is one of the few people, who in our epoque of paralysis of spirit and culture, managed to engage young people with his ideas. His lectures, experience and talk have a grip and enflame with their enthusiasm and profundity of the thought: to see beyond the visibility what could be the deep essence of things, processes and human society.

During the National Conference on Tribology with international participation BULTRIB'12 (18-20 October 2012 in the Technical University-Sofia)and the 30th Scientific Technological Session of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy CONTACT'12 (26 October 2012 in the Scientific Technical Unions of Bulgaria) diplomas and greetings were given by foreign and local organizations and scientists - The International Tribology Council ITC in London, the Balkan Tribological Association, the Technical University of Sofia, the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy, etc.



CEEPUS Workshop and 9th Conference on Tribology BULTRIB’12 dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Prof. DSc. Nyagol Manolov

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The Society of Bulgarian Tribologists with the assistance of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University of Sofia and AMTECH organized 9th National Conference on Tribology with International Participation BULTRIB’12 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Prof. Nyagol Manolov. The Conference was held on October 18-20, 2012 in the Library Meetings Center of the Technical University-Sofia. 32 delegates from Romania, Serbia, Russia, Greece, Poland, Turkey, Germany, Ukraine and Taiwan, and fifty tribologists from Bulgaria took part with 70 paper presentations. The Conference BULTRIB’12 was accompanied by the biannual Conference of AMTECH - the Association of the Faculties of Machine Technology in Bulgaria. The CEEPUS workshop in the first Tribology Network, referring to Project CIII-BG-0703-01-1213 ”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology”, gathering 19 European universities was also adjunct to the Conference BULTRIB’12 and was held in the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia – leading coordinator of the Project. The Project deals with the role of tribology in the large and complex scope of reliability engineering and the different tribology-related methods to improve reliability and quality, such as reliability design, component lifetime, condition monitoring, diagnostics. During the days of the conference, an International Faculty Agreement of Cooperation in the field of Tribology was signed between the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.

The Conference BULTRIB’12 was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Prof. DSc. Nyagol Manolov. Prof. Manolov is the father-founder of Tribology in Bulgaria. He gained the recognition, confidence and affection of his contemporaries; he exerted great influence on their scientific thinking, and gave his energy and inspiration to one idea – the idea of the contact between science, education and civil society. The 80th anniversary of Prof. N. Manolov was celebrated on the level of the Technical University – the Faculty of Industrial Technology and on the international level of tribology at the opening of the Conference BULTRIB’12. Greetings were addressed by the Rector of the Technical University, the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy of Bulgaria, the Society of Bulgarian Tribologists, the Scientific-Technical Unions in Bulgaria, the President of the International Tribology Council Prof. H.P.Jost, the actual President of the Balkan Tribological Association Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis, Prof. D. N. Garkunov, Prof. S. Pytko, Prof. K. Voynov, the Romanian Association of Tribology – Prof. A. Tudor/Prof. M. Ripa, Prof. G. Polzer, and many other universities, organizations and scientists.

Next conference BULTRIB will be held 24-26 October 2013 in Sofia.



International forum ICQ 2012, 05-08 June 2012, Belgrade, Serbia

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The International forum ICQ 2012 from 05-08 June 2012, was organized in Belgrade, by the United Association of Serbia for Quality and the European Organization for Quality in Brussels aiming to prepare the International Convention on Quality with the motto "Quality for European and World Integration".

400 participants, of them 15 foreign delegates took part at the Conference. 94 papers were presented in 16 sessions during the days of the Conference. Excellent work has been carried out by the Organizing Committees lead by Prof. Dr. V. Majstorovic before and during the Conference. The presentations and materials given to the participants were put together in CD-Proceeding and in 4 issues of the International Journal of Advanced Quality. According to the signed bilateral International Faculty Agreement, the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University – Sofia and at the University of Belgrade presented a common invited paper entitled Green Tribology and Quality of Life with authors Prof. Vidosav Majstorovic - Laboratory for Production Metrology and TQM and Prof. Aleksandar Vencl of the Tribology Center at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade and Prof. Emilia Assenova and Prof. Mara Kandeva of the Tribology Center at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sofia.



Conference DIPRE’12, 31 May-02 June 2012, Galati, Romania

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The Conference DIPRE’12 – Diagnosis and Prediction in Mechanical Engineering Systems has been held in the Natural Sciences Museum Complex of Galati, Romania in the period 31 May - 1 June 2012. The Conference topics embraced Mechanical testing of materials and products, Tribology, Lubrication and lubricants, Diagnosis and prediction of mechanical failure; as well as the Annual meeting on didactics of the Engineering universities in Romania. The Conference was assisted also by the Romanian Tribology Association and was hosted by the Department of Machine Elements & Graphics at the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, with the efficient management of Prof. Dr. Minodora Ripa, eminent tribologists on the level of the Balkan Tribological Association. 65 participants with 59 paper presentations, a few of them as video presentations, were given in parallel sessions in two rooms, most of them by the representatives of different cities of the host-country, and also by the guests from Bulgaria, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova, Greece and Republica Srpska.

The Bulgarian team of the Tribology Center at the Technical University – Sofia: Emilia Assenova and Mara Kandeva, presented the paper Procedure and investigation of contact potentials of wearresistant coatings by the authors Mara KANDEVA, Ilian PEICHEV, Emilia ASSENOVA, reflected also in the News of the Romanian Television - channel Antenna 1. The channel emitted fragment of the work of the Conference DIPRE’12 represented as Brand Conference of high importance in the scientific life – see link. A magnificent exhibition of carpets webbed manually with motives in the subjects of the conference by the Turkish art & design lecturer Mrs. Zeyneb Kaleli.

The Conference finished by a wonderful excursion on the Danube organized and guided in a brilliant way by the Romanian organizers.



International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Tribology

ISRN Tribology is a fast track peer reviewed journal for original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of tribology. The average review time for the ISRN series of journals is 28 days from the point of submission until a final decision has been reached.

ISRN Tribology is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. The journal does not currently require any page charges, color charges, or article processing charges.

The journal has a distinguished editorial board composed of leading tribology researchers from around the world. A current list of the journal's editors can be found at

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ISRN Tribology
International Scholarly Research Network