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8th International Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB'14, 30 October - 1 November 2014,
Sinaia, Romania

Sinaia Sinaia Sinaia
Sinaia Sinaia Sinaia
Sinaia Sinaia Sinaia

Since 1993 in Sofia, every mandate of the 3-years loop of the Balkan Tribological Association begins with organizing of the International Conference BALKANTRIB supported and carried out by the corresponding national institutions and the Balkan Tribological Association (BTA). Bulgaria (1993 and 2008), Greece (1996 and 2011) and Romania (1999 and 2014) were hosts twice, Turkey (2002), Serbia (2005) – once.

The 8th International Conference Balkantrib’14 was a sign of the 21st anniversary of the BTA and was organized in the period 30th October – 1st November 2014 in Hotel Palace - Sinaia, Romania by the Romanian Tribology Association, the Petroleum-gas University of Ploiesti and BTA.

150 participants from 15 countries took part at the event, namely: Algeria (2 delegates) , Bulgaria (with 22 delegates), the Czech Republic (4), England (3), France (2), Germany (4), Greece (12), Holland (1), Hungary (1), Italy (1), Romania (84), Russia (1), Serbia (1), Turkey (10) and Ukraine (2). 113 papers in 2 plenary and 18 parallel sessions were presented in three conference rooms. Technical Exhibition, the Meeting of the BTA Managing Board (Minutes), the Meeting of the Romanian Tribology Association, and the workshop of the 3rd stage of CEEPUS Project CIII-BG-0703”Modern Trends in Education and Research on Mechanical Systems - Bridging Reliability, Quality and Tribology” took also place during the Conference.

Bulgaria had 3 plenary presentations: The Theory of Contact by Prof. N. Manolov, 40 years History of Tribology in Bulgaria by M. Kandeva, E. Assenova and Development of JBTA for the last 20 Years and Future Trends by Sl. Ivanov, Zh. Kalitchin, J. Ivanova, M. Boneva, N. Evtimova, E.Tosheva. 9 session papers and 2 posters were presented, among them: Self-organization and Selective Transfer in Tribology by E. Assenova, M. Kandeva, Procedure of Study of Contact Interactions of High-strength Cast Iron with Sn Microalloy by M. Kandeva, B. Ivanova, etc.

Conference trip was organized in the last day for the visit of the city of Brasov (Kronstadt), Dracula Castle in Bran (Torzburg), Poiana Brasov Resort and Moeciu Fundata Resort.

BALKANTRIB’14 was a great success in the development of the BTA. Warmth, spirit of science, excellent ambiance and friendly feelings reigned during the whole period of the Conference.

Croatia represented by the Croatian Society for Materials and Tribology was accepted as new member-country of the Balkan Tribological Association, together with the 5 old members Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The 9th Conference BALKANTRIB will be held in 2017 in Turkey.



7th International Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB'11, 1-3 October 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece


7th Conference BALKANTRIB'11, Thessaloniki

The International Scientific October Fest "Engineering Production and Tribology" was held in Thessaloniki in the period 3 to 5 October 2011. The Conference BALKANTRIB'11 was one of the conferences in this Fest. The Conference "A" Coatings (Surface Coatings) is the result of the common efforts of four academic institutions: Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EE∆М), Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, the Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW), University of Hannover, the Laboratory for Manufacturing Technology (LFT), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Institute of Surface Engineering (IOT), RWTH Aachen University. "A" Coatings is carried out in Greece and Germany consecutively, Greece being host of this last 9th Conference. ICMEN, The International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (the 7th Conference in this Fest) was established during the Hellenic Chairmanship of EUREKA 2001-2002 (, attaining in strengthening synergies between people involved in scientific research and those having to meet the rapidly increasing demands of industrial applications. The second (1996) and the seventh (3-5 October 2011) Conferences BALKANTRIB were held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The International Conferences BalkanTrib are supported by the Balkan Tribological Association, they are organized every three years since 1993, in various Balkan countries and aim at the collaboration stimulation between Balkan and other countries for developing research and development in tribology, as well as application aspects like innovative products and services. The International Scientific October Fest gathered 250 participants of different countries, which presented the last achievements in their spheres in the three conference rooms of the Hotel Makedonia Palace.

The Cocktail Meeting
Part of the Bulgarian delegation

The Balkan Tribological Association (BTA) Board Meeting took place in Amphitryon Ballroom of the Makedonia Palace hotel, on October 5th 2011, at 17.15. Chairman was Professor K.-D. Bouzakis, following members of the BTA were present: A. Michailidis, S. Mitsi, I. Tsiafis (Greece), Mitrovic Slobodan, B. Skoric, Vencl Aleksandar (Serbia), H. Cimenoglu, M.B. Karamis, C. Sinanoglu (Turkey), N.N. Andonescu, A. Tudor (Romania), E. Assenova, S. Ivanov, M. Kandeva, N. Manolov, M. Manolova-Daneva (Bulgaria). Obituaries were held for Prof. G. Petropoulos, Greece and Prof. Emanuel Diaconescu, Romania. The mandate of the chairmanship of BTA was passed by the Bulgarian party to the Greek team for the next 3 years. For the general report of the last mandate of BTA, reports from all countries are gathered, and should be unified and then published. The actualized status of Balkan Tribological Association : Until now, six countries are members of the Balkan Tribological Association (BTA), Bulgaria, FYROM, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. An invitation to other countries such as of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Russia, Slovenia should be sent, for becoming members of BTA. Each BTA member country of should investigate for contact persons in these potential candidate countries. It was suggested, that Professor Bouzakis receive this information and send invitation letters. In case of new entries, the BTA Board to be changed.

Information about the Journal of BTA: The impact factor of the journal is 0,182 (2011), rising from 0,101 in 2008, due to high scientific level of the papers published. The publishing of larger papers’ number was proposed for increasing the impact factor. As far as some statistics are concerned, 60% of the papers come from Balkan countries and the rest 40% from other countries worldwide. Manuscripts from 47 different countries have been published, with the majority dealing with chemicals. The scientific areas should cover other categories too, such as Mechanics, Bio-engineering, Surface Engineering, etc. Turkey has stated that the papers have to be reviewed strictly, since the papers’ scientific level increases the journal quality and the impact factor as well. Promotion via Internet. A journal website, with facilities of electronic paper submission should be created. Prof. Mitrovic expresses his interest to create a first version of the website of BTA. The financial matters were also discussed.

Lunch time

International School in Tribology (IST) and Statute of BTA. Professor Manolov and Professor Kandeva highlighted the planned International School in Tribology (IST) and some changes in the Statute of BTA, as it was discussed in the previous BTA-Meeting in Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2010. Since all countries of BTA have not received the minutes from the Board Meeting in Sozopol, including discussions for the International School in Tribology, it was proposed, this issue to be discussed in a meeting organized especially for this purpose. The Bulgarian delegation insisted on making a decision concerning the operation of IST. Since all other delegates were not prepared for making a decision, they will receive information and decide whether they participate to IST and under which conditions. Decision should be taken at the next Meeting of BTA. Bulgaria passed the mandate of chairmanship of BTA to the Greek party for the next three years. For the period 2011-2014 the President of BTA will be Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis, Vice-president will be Prof. A. Mihailidis, both of the Aristoteles University in Thessaloniki. It has been decided that all questions related to BTA should be addressed to Prof. K.-D. Bouzakis. A decision was taken that the next conference BALKANTRIB’14 should be in Romania. The next meeting of the Managing Committee of BTA should be organized in 2012 by the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Engineering (EE∆М) at the Aristoteles University, Thessaloniki.




of the


An International Non-Governmental Organization

of Tribologists from the Balkan Countries*


* This Statute has been defined at the establishment of the Balkan Tribological Association.


Article 1


Article 2

Date of formation: October 03, 1993.

Article 3


Article 4

Main office: The official address of the Balkan Tribological Association is changed every three years during the Balkan Conference on Tribology BALKANTRIB. The first official address was the address of the Society of the Bulgarian Tribologists, in the Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria (1993 -1996). The Conference BALKANTRIB is organized every three years in different countries.

Article 5

Duration: The duration of the Balkan Tribological Association is unlimited.

Article 6

Officers: The Balkan Tribological Coommittee (BTC) is officer of Balkan Tribological Association (BTA). Every Balkan country has maximum three members in BTC, one of them is vice president of BTC. The President of Balkan Tribological Association for the following three years is from the country -host of the Conference. The Conference elects the Balkan Tribological Committee. The Committee elects the President during the Conference.

Article 7

Language: The official language of the Balkan Tribological Association is English.

Article 8

Membership: The members of Balkan Tribological Association are National Tribology Societies, as well as Institutions, Divisions, Groups or Individuals, if there is no national society in those countries.

The founder-members of The Balkan Tribological Association are:

Article 9

Conditions of Membership: To be admitted to BTA the new member has to:

Article 10

Conference: International Conference on Tribology - BALKANTRIB shall be held every 3 years, every time in a different Balkan country.

Article 11

Journal: Apart from the work on the integration and development of tribology in the Balkan area, BTA will publish the scientific Journal of the BTA.

Article 12

Minutes: The draft minutes of the Balkan Tribological Committee meeting shall be sent to all Committee members, and be approved or altered at the following meeting of the Committee.


Sofia, October 1993



From 13 to 16 September 2010 in Sozopol, Bulgaria, the International Jubilee Conference of the Faculty of Industrial Technology at the Technical University of Sofia with a new section "Tribology and Tribotechnologies" was held. The Section included also an Open Meeting of the Balkan Tribological Association. The participation, discussions and conclusions of the Meeting are exposed in the following documents: Participants List, Minutes and Decisions. An International Tribology School with the corresponding Regulation and modified Statute of the BTA were proposed.


In connection with the 7th Conference BALKANTRIB '11 and the related Meeting of the BTA in October 2011, Thessaloniki, the Report for the activities of BTA during the Bulgarian mandate in the period 2008-2011 was prepared:

On the state and activities of the Balkan Tribological Association during the period 2008-2011, M. Kandeva, Sl. Ivanov, V. Pojidaeva, E. Assenova - Report for the period of Bulgarian Mandate.